Homeopathy is a field of medicine that's based on the body's ability to heal itself. The basic method first identifies which germ, element or imbalance is causing a person's symptoms. It then introduces a minute and diluted version of the causative agent into a person's system. From there, the body's immune system learns how to fight the illness. This model is based on the principle of treating "like with like." Conventional medicine makes use of this practice in the form of antidotes and vaccines. A vaccine is made from an inactive form of the virus being treated. By injecting the body with a harmless form of the virus, the body's immune system learns how to fight it. Homeopathy relies on the body's immune system in the same way.The theory behind the practice sees the body's immune system as a self-healing process, or "vital force." Illness occurs when this force becomes imbalanced. By administering small doses of the agent that caused the illness, homeopathy works to stimulate the body's self-healing response.
The homeopathic approach incorporates a holistic treatment process that takes the whole condition of an individual into account when coming up with a treatment, or remedy. Remedies are called "homeopathics," and are based on a single cure that treats any number of symptoms a person may experience. That single curative agent is called the "similium," and it's expected to elicit the exact same symptoms in a healthy person when given in a larger dose. By using the illness-causing germ, homeopathy is treating the cause rather than the symptoms. In doing this, the body becomes immune to the illness-- meaning a person becomes immune to it and will never experience those same symptoms again. As part of the "whole person" approach, homeopathic practitioners consider a person's lifestyle, as well as her emotional and mental states, to determine which remedy is needed. If someone suffers from acid reflux, information regarding when a person eats, where a person eats, how a person eats (fast eater versus slow eater) and state of mind provide clues as to what the causative agent may be.
Because there are no standardized treatment cures, finding customized remedies based on individual body makeups can be a lengthy process. An initial assessment of symptoms, habits, lifestyle and psychological makeup is done during the first visit. From there, return visits are scheduled to assess whether a particular remedy is working, or not. Remedies are formulated from organic substances made up of minerals, plants or animals. In spite of conventional medicine's use of vaccines and antidotes, homeopathy has yet to be scientifically proven. Research study results have been inconsistent and difficult to verify. Its holistic approach requires remedies to be tailor-made for each person, which makes it difficult to duplicate results or track apparent consistencies. Remedy treatments are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the same way as non-prescription and over-the-counter drugs. However, these regulations make no provision for a drug's actual effectiveness.
Article written by Jacquelyn Jeanty
Here are a couple of great sites to gather information from or purchase your vaccines or remedies from.
The homeopathic approach incorporates a holistic treatment process that takes the whole condition of an individual into account when coming up with a treatment, or remedy. Remedies are called "homeopathics," and are based on a single cure that treats any number of symptoms a person may experience. That single curative agent is called the "similium," and it's expected to elicit the exact same symptoms in a healthy person when given in a larger dose. By using the illness-causing germ, homeopathy is treating the cause rather than the symptoms. In doing this, the body becomes immune to the illness-- meaning a person becomes immune to it and will never experience those same symptoms again. As part of the "whole person" approach, homeopathic practitioners consider a person's lifestyle, as well as her emotional and mental states, to determine which remedy is needed. If someone suffers from acid reflux, information regarding when a person eats, where a person eats, how a person eats (fast eater versus slow eater) and state of mind provide clues as to what the causative agent may be.
Because there are no standardized treatment cures, finding customized remedies based on individual body makeups can be a lengthy process. An initial assessment of symptoms, habits, lifestyle and psychological makeup is done during the first visit. From there, return visits are scheduled to assess whether a particular remedy is working, or not. Remedies are formulated from organic substances made up of minerals, plants or animals. In spite of conventional medicine's use of vaccines and antidotes, homeopathy has yet to be scientifically proven. Research study results have been inconsistent and difficult to verify. Its holistic approach requires remedies to be tailor-made for each person, which makes it difficult to duplicate results or track apparent consistencies. Remedy treatments are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the same way as non-prescription and over-the-counter drugs. However, these regulations make no provision for a drug's actual effectiveness.
Article written by Jacquelyn Jeanty
Here are a couple of great sites to gather information from or purchase your vaccines or remedies from.